CDM grow bulbs, or Ceramic Discharge Metal-Halide lights, deliver intense levels of light across the entire spectrum. The units promote accelerated growth rates and strengthen your plants' vigour. CDM bulbs increase your crops' natural oil production levels and ensure exquisite aromas and tastes of the end-products. Also, CDMs produce low levels of UVB and UVA, protecting your plants from diseases and pathogenic fungi.
Growers use plasma grow lights for thriving crops. Some growers opt to use plasma emitting lights with additional HPS, LED or CDM lights to optimise the grow environment. Plasma grow bulbs are high-end full spectrum lights for indoor plants, which sustain strong crop growth. The units have a low energy consumption and huge light outputs.
Plasma lights for growing plants have an extensive lifespan of over 40,000 hours and ensure deep canopy penetration. London Grow's high-performance CDM & Plasma lights ensure huge harvest yields and top-quality crop development during the vegetative and blooming phases.